Sunday, January 20, 2008

Learning Sign Language Is Easy and Useful

Have you ever stood back and actually watched a group of deaf people communicating? It almost seems like an art form for them to be able to move their hands in such a way that they are conveying thoughts and sentences to the person that is standing next to them. Not only is a useful for them to be able to communicate with each other because they're not able to hear, but they are also able to use it in environments to communicate privately when there is a roomful of people (provided, of course, nobody else knows how to sign). Most people have had the desire to learn sign language at one point in their life, yet not many of them have taken the initiative to learn. Often it is because they feel that it is too difficult to learn another language. This is perhaps because they compare it to learning a spoken language. American Sign Language, however, is something different altogether. How does someone go about learning sign language and how often can you use it in your life?

Many people find that learning sign language is not as difficult as what they thought was going to be. There are a lot of tools available on the market that can help you to begin signing even from day one. These would include DVDs that show you the signs as well as computer programs and books that will teach you everything from how to finger spell to how to use the signs that stand for particular words. One of the nice things about learning American Sign Language is that you can equate the signs with the words fairly easily. By using this form of word association you can quickly pick up the basics and begin to communicate right away.

Just as with any language, you do not need to know everything that there is to know in order to begin speaking it. This is especially true with sign language because deaf people tend to be very forgiving in this instance and they are typically just happy that you are willing to take the time to learn. If you find that they are using sign language to an extent that you are not able to understand, simply let them know and they will either slow down or limit their signs in their communication.

American Sign Language is not a word for word language. You would use signs for some of the words in a sentence that you are trying to convey in order just to get the point across. Sometimes it is necessary even to back into the sentence that you are saying. Learning how to do this particular aspect of sign language is what can take the most amount of time. Once you learn the signs then you must learn how to implement them in day to day speech.

Learning sign language will help you with many different aspects of your life. If you can sign then you will have access to a group of people that many are not able to communicate with. This can not only help you to gain new business, it can help you to carve out a niche in your community.

For Free Sign Language Lessons log on to and get started right away, it's 100% free and over 2,000 people are using it as their sign language resource!

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